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- « Release Notes
- Chime 2.3
Chime 2.3 - v2.3.3266
(October 6, 2015)
Main New Features:
New System Variable to display the seeker's waiting time in h:m:s format
Ability for Administrators and Managers to manually end chat in the queue
No longer allow web client chats to start if the queue is offline or unavailable
Improved validation of the dispatcher accounts
Localized the timestamps when displaying the chat history details
Ability to track the IP address of web client chats
Added Administrative control panel to enable and disable On-Prem and Office365 queues
Added O365PresenceIntervalSec to allow customers to be able to control how often the agents presence is checked
Office 365
Improved Office365 robustness
Optimize Office 365 expert authentication
Increased time to obtain list of user for selecting administrators at install
Administrative Control Panel that will display the PID of Lync® and Lync® Online app associated with a queue
Improved validation of the Office365 web client set-up
Display the seeker's SIP address in Queue details for users that we are unable to get their full name from Office365
Display the seeker's question in the conference chat with the agent, dispatcher and seeker
New Chart and Metrics
Chart Statistics by Queue
Screen Shots:
Bug Fixes:
Fixed issue with Skype plug-in injecting additional code around phone numbers, causing our text resource message limit to be reached
Fixed issue where updating an agent may cause a "An expert with this LoginName already exists" message to appear
Fixed issue where the System Offline Text resource was not being used if the queue was offline
Fixed issue where certain column were not sorting under Queue Dashboard > Details
Fixed issue where RTF and HTML encoded chat message have the encoding stored in the chat history
Fixed issue where some charts might be displaying the day before due to time zone mismatches
Fixed issue where a queue might need to be restarted if all agents are unavailable then become available
Fixed issue that Email transcripts were being sent when a chat wasn't connected
Fixed issue where the Agents name in the Text resources was "Null" -- It is now the agents full name
Fixed issue where Average Seeker Rating by Agent chart wasn't being displayed
Fixed issue where the declined/ignored count was off in the agent dashboard
Fixed Office365 issue where Lync and Lync Online apps for a queue might continue to run after the queue has been shut down
Fixed Office365 issue where an agent would be available, but show as offline