With Lync® Online, we know that there are some issues with agent awareness (and monitoring agent presence status) – we are working on this area.
Inability to add persons with an apostrophe in the username
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bug where changing the ExpertAccept time in the queue routing modal settings would screw up routing so that an expert could never accept
conversations fast enough (value is set as seconds, timeout on retrieving expert response was expecting milliseconds; it worked when queue initially loaded,
because the right conversion was made then, but not on changing the setting)
Fixed error where changing an expert to a priority list that did not previously exist affects the routine to update priority lists
Remove experts from queues when they are archived in the Admin section
Updated email transcript to include session ID
What's Next:
Seeker Dashboard
New section to provide search capabilities to managers - located at queue level
Fix charts related to agent ratings
Agent dashboard will include the ability to download the context window extension
Web client will support ability to show/hide email transcript and agent rating